Friday, October 30, 2009

How Do You Treat a 50 cent Cauliflower?

Reader - please see previous post on "How Do You Treat a $ 5.00 Cauliflower?. While at the grocery yesterday, stopped by the reduced produce bin. Saw a reasonably healthy-looking cauliflower marked down to 50 cents. Well, I think we can get 50 cents worth out of it for tonight's meal.
A easy, favorite way is to slice the flowerets thinly, salt and pepper, toss with olive oil and broil till brown and crunchy.

We had mustard greens in the garden early in the summer and they tasted great. When the local market featured cold crop curly mustards, I bought a few plants. We first harvested a mess about 3 weeks ago and I was bitterly disappointed. Literally. My mother told me to wait till after the first frost and the bitter taste will disappear. I will also use the kale method. Here in Kentucky, kale is the favored green. Being a deep south girl, I like mustards and turnips. I tried and tried kale, to no avail. Then, a few months ago, a co-worker shared his recipe. He cooks the kale, then rinses, changes the water, and starts again, adding potatoes and sausage. Can't go wrong with sausage, and we are now happy kale eaters. I will do this with the mustards but only use 1/2 lb of kielbasa as 2 oz. of sausage is 4 Weight Watchers points!

The Farmer's Market featured Kohlrabi and we had not had this in quite awhile. In fact, my lone recipe for kohlrabi had a notation "yummy 5-03".  I highly recommend "The Passionate Vegetarian" by Crescent Dragonwagon. Some of her recipes seem complicated, but all are "yummy".

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