Thursday, October 22, 2009

How Do You Treat a $5 Cauliflower?

Wednesday was errand day and I must have had 12 stops to make. One was a local health food store, one of the first in town, to get some happy eggs. I have tried several brands of happy (laid by free-range hens) eggs, but now refuse all but Chelsey's eggs ( ). Those eggs are downright delirious. I still use Kroger eggs for cooking, as those really happy eggs are also really expensive, but worth every penny (and dollars). While in the store, I spied a beautiful cauiflower, but didn't see the price. I threw it in the basket and kept on going. Imagine my reaction when I got home and and looked at the receipt. $5.00!!! I don't think I have ever paid more than $2.95 for a head of cauliflower, even organic.
Naturally, I was going to make this cauliflower the star of the show. I was kind of scared of it, truth be told. I "steamed" the flowerets in the mircrowave a minute at a time. I did not want them to get soft and mushy. Then I tossed with freshly grately Parmesan cheese - not too much - we want to taste this cauliflower. I then sprinkled them with pink Himalayan salt, Panko bread crumbs, a dash of cayenne, and topped them with slivers of black truffle butter. Seriously. I broiled  until barely brown. The cauliflower tasted very fresh and cauliflowery.

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